What Exactly Is Prostate Gland?

Prostate gland is a unique male organ. It is the largest auxiliary gland from the male reproductive organ. Due to the production of testosterone hormone from the testicles after a male enters the pubic period, the prostate gland starts to grow and function. By 30 years old, the gland grows to a stable size, and after 45 years old, if the gland size is not growing, the prostate gland cells shall shrink, and the size is also reduced.

The function of prostate gland are as follows:

  • Forming the urine prostate region, controlling the urination
  • Transporting the content from semen vesicles and product of gland tube to the urine
  • Producing prostate fluid

In an adult, the prostate gland size is comparable to a nut, with diameter around 3-4cm, and weights around 20g.

If the prostate gland has not been placed under proper care, it may grow as the male gets older, and affect the urination process, causing many males to have sexual problems, such as pain during ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, blood in semen & etc.

The Causes of Prostate Enlargement

The size of the prostate gland is as big as a chestnut, linked together with urinary bladder, rectum, genital part and urinary tract. There are also 15-30 prostate gland excretion which is linked to the urinary tract.

Bacteria would not only infect through blood, but also though the lymph nodes of urinary bladder and urinary tract. Bacteria also can spread from the prostate excretion tube to the prostate glands which end up causing acute or chronic prostate inflammation and benign.

Most causes of prostate enlargement are due to one or more of the following...

  • Male hormone imbalance
  • Aging
  • Family history
  • Unhealthy eating habits i.e smoking & alcohol drinking
  • Toxins or heavy metal pollution
  • Other diseases

Is The Problem With Prostate Gland Fatal?

Normally, chances of the prostate gland enlarging are greatly increased after 40 years old, causing many problems and worries to the older male community. If the problem with prostate gland is not taken care of or controlled, it may progressed into cancer mutation, leading to prostate cancer.

As the prostate cancer does not have any significant symptoms, it is normally discovered only in the final stage, resulting in the loss of many precious lives.

What Are The Problems Associated With Enlarged Prostate Gland?

Enlarged prostate gland may cause pain during urination and possibly problems with sexual functions. Typical problems are listed below...

  • Bladder Problem : Enlarged prostate could press on the urethra, inhibiting the smooth flow, which may result in uremia, impaired bladder and bursting of bladder in some serious case. It may also cause gradual uncontrolled urination when you have a feeling of urination or your lower abdomen is slightly compressed, resulting in mental pressure on the patients, as uncontrolled urination may occur at any time in public, which greatly affects those with enlarged prostate.
  • Kidney problem : The problem with kidney is indirect. Enlarged prostate may result in accumulation of excessive urine in the bladder. In the long run, there may be infection on the bladder, which could affect the ureter and finally causing kidney infection or impairing kidney functions
  • Prostate Cancer : If the problem with enlarged prostate is not properly taken care of, the swelling effect may result in prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer in the main killer amongst older people, reaching 21% of all death in old age.
  • Problems With Sexual Function : Enlarged prostate may cause difficulties during sexual intercourse, such as pain during ejaculation, blood in semen, erectile dysfunction, soft erection & etc. After the removal of enlarged prostate gland with surgery, most patients face certain sexual difficulties especially maintaining erection.
  • If you'd like to solve your prostate problem and restore your prostate health, feel YOUNG, HEALTHY, VIBRANT, SEXUALLY ACTIVE & CONFIDENT All Day...Everyday and enjoy your life to the fullest, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.

Here's why:

Fact : According to study about 152,990,000 men in the world have erectile dysfunction. Generally, most men above 40 years old have trouble achieving or maintaining erection. Research also show that erectile dysfunction affects 47% of male above 40 years old. and the main contributing factor to sexual dysfunction and impotency is prostate problem.

Fact : Almost 30 million men suffer from benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Odds are 50% of males will have prostate problems by the time we are 60. By the age of 65 most American men have enlarged prostates. The first signs are night urination and difficult urination. Literally 97% of all men will be affected with prostate problems before they die.

Fact : Each year over 400,000 men in the United States alone undergo prostate surgery; and over a billion dollars a year is spent on prostate treatment. Surgery often results in incontinence and impotence.

Fact : Proscar®, the leading pharmaceutical drug for treating prostate problems, has side effects that may be detrimental to our health; The truth is, it can take as long as six months before you notice any significant improvement in your prostate health while taking Proscar®. But in the meantime...

And taking this drug can substantially INCREASE your risk of developing abnormal cells in your prostate! Here’s the proof...

According to a 1999 clinical study conducted by the prestigious Norris Cancer Institute of the University of Southern California, men taking Proscar® increased their risk of abnormal cell growth in their prostate by 300%. That’s not a typo—300 PERCENT! If that’s not bad enough, other side effects include a loss of sex drive... premature ejaculation... and even impotence for goodness sake!

And the drug is so powerful—it can cause birth defects in pregnant women who come in contact with the sperm of a man taking Proscar®!

Fact : Prostate Cancer is the most common ( 21% of all cancer ) malignancy in all cancer cases in the world.

Fact : In a recent article, world renown research chemist, Roger Mason says "For years now I've been explaining why saw palmetto, pygeum africanum, stinging nettles, pumpkin seeds and other similar herbs are useless, have no therapeutic effect, do not help prostate health in any way and are mere promotional scams. Yet, men keep buying countless millions of dollars worth of saw palmetto and other such worthless products every year"

Fact : BPH is a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. Symptoms result when the enlargement squeezes the urethra where it runs through the prostate. BPH is the most common of prostate conditions among men. It is more common among older men, because as a man ages, his prostate naturally enlarges.

Starting at about age 40, levels of a hormone called prolactin begin increasing in men, this stimulates an increased production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. This in turn increases the metabolism of testosterone, resulting in an increase of the metabolic byproduct di-hydro-testosterone or DHT.

DHT is very unhealthy and has the undesirable effect of stimulating prostate cells into dividing and multiplying which causes the prostate enlargement. More than 50 percent of men age 60, and 80 percent of men age 80, are estimated to suffer from BPH. It is important to note that BPH does not necessarily lead to cancer; however, a man can have BPH and cancer at the same time.

Fact : There is a huge myth that has been perpetuated by the health care industry that pharmaceuticals are the answer to both our short and long term optimal health strategies. It is dead wrong, pharmaceutical related deaths or Death By Medicine from improperly prescribed drugs bas been reported to be the 3rd largest KILLER in the United States for the last 10 years or so.

Quotes from some M.D. regarding drugs...

"Drugs never cure disease. They merely hush the voice of nature's protest, and pull down the danger signals she erects along the pathway of transgression. Any poison taken into the system has to be reckoned with later on even though it palliates present symptoms. Pain may disappear, but the patient is left in a worse condition, though unconscious of it at the time." - Daniel. H. Kress, M.D.

"The cause of most diseases is in the poisonous drugs physicians superstitiously give in order to effect a cure." - Charles E. Page M.D.

"The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine." - William Osler, M.D.